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BARCA Featured Products
BIRD Ecoplantations
Brinkman y Asociados Reforestadores de Centro America S.A. (BARCA) is pleased to offer the BIRD farms for sale in Costa Rica. This is a showcase project sited by the FAO as an example of innovative forest restoration projects and is a combination of native forest protection, native species plantations and high quality teak creating a unique ecoplantation that creates habitat at the same time as financial returns. A unique set of adjacent farms comprised of 339 ha of pristine land of which 170 ha are planted with 115 ha in teak and 55 ha in native hard wood species.
Agricultural Land
BARCA offers several prime pieces of property for sale on the Central and South Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, perfect for hard-wood plantations, agriculture, eco-tourism, or development.
Over 25 years, BARCA has assembled a farm portfolio with incredibly fertile soils and the perfect climate for agriculture and timber production to plant and maintain precious hardwood plantations for different clients. As the mature hardwood plantations have been harvested, the lands have become available for sale.
Nurseries - Seedlings & Macro-Propagation
BARCA operates tree nurseries in Costa Rica in order to supply local and international market demand, while maintaining the standards of quality and production established by our company. Tree production includes quality tropical hardwoods like teak, as well as precious native tropical species to be planted in our local projects or to satisfy our costumers’ needs.
BARCA Featured Services
FSC® Certification Consulting
BARCA SA is a group entity certified by the FSC® under code NC-FM/COC-000152 and has been certified since 2001. Under the group entity, there are currently two group members in the Central Pacific area of Costa Rica.
We offer consulting and advisory services to help other interested parties either in forming part of the group entity (BARCA) or supporting them in the process of obtaining their own forest certification through the official authorized FSC® auditing entities.
Forestry Consulting
BARCA offers specialized consulting services for activities such as plantation establishment, thinning, pruning, harvesting, plantation assessments, forestry surveys and inventories, land-soil evaluations and analysis, management plans, Geographic Information Systems, wood marketing, evaluation and assessment to achieve certification status.
Timber Harvesting & Marketing
As an extension and complement to our forestry management and consulting services, since 2000 BARCA has been providing market research and options for the sale of thinnings, sub-products and harvested wood from final felling, through its network of national and international contacts.
Currently, our Wood Services division provides a complete range of services to its existing clients and other plantations and forest landowners.
Project Management
BARCA offers a comprehensive forestry/silviculture package; from land selection and seed source selection, to the final harvest of the plantation and the marketing of timber products.
Our service versatility allows us to develop specific forest projects according to the needs of our clients. Our services include initial assessments, planning, full project implementation, and monitoring and evaluation in order to ensure successful results.
Land Sourcing
BARCA conducts land evaluation for the establishment of plantations through site selection and classification, correlation of reference data (soil-climate-growth of forest species), soil analyses, classification of vegetation types and special areas, and the definition of the criteria for establishment and planting, such as internal roads, infrastructure, drainage systems, etc.
Plantations are mapped through geographic information systems (GIS) in order to calculate specific areas (net plantable regions, buffer zones, etc.).